
Originally from the North of England, Adrian has been working as a professional entertainer for the past Twenty-two years in a number of capacities.  Excelling as a professional close up & stage magician.


From an early love of magic Adrian spent many an hour honing his craft, before venturing into the professional world of magic and illusion.  From residencies in Tenerife, to contracts on cruise ships, corporate events and many a party or gathering he has wowed and astounded audiences from all over the world!

To further his impressions on an audience Adrian trained himself to become one of the most respected balloon sculptors in the UK.  His works have included life sized characters, racing cars and logo’s, as well as all-out balloon decorations!

With his experience of live performance Adrian was requested to enter the acting world and made his acting debut many years ago in pantomime.  He has since gone on to work in a number of pantomimes and live shows.

Adrian hit the press in the UK when his unique take on mathematics, using magic triggered an interest from schools all around Yorkshire, where he became known as “The Math Magician”.

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